Day 2 BOGO: Peace and Motivate
Yesterday was an amazing day for BOGO and today is no different! I absolutely LOVE these two essential oils. They go everywhere with me and my son and I use them daily.
Buy 1 PEACE Touch, get 1 MOTIVATE Touch free. Normally $44.33 retail for BOTH but today only, you pay $18.25 wholesale or $24.33 retail for this must-have duo!
You know when you make your to do list and you check it twice and you want to cry? Peace will stop you from crying and Motivate will get your bum moving so you can get the stuff done. You put the oils on, and you get the stuff done. Simple! OR You know how your kid gets all worked up and WILL NOT calm down? You roll Peace on the child and they calm the heck down!
You will also use Motivate when the clock says it is time to go work out and your bed is begging you to just stay a minute longer. Motivate on the wrists turns people to bliss! Get more than 1 set! Most people are ordering a set for themselves and a set for a crazy family member!
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